I know, we are behind. I don't have any new pictures to post but will post some tomorrow or over the weekend.
We had a very busy baby day on Tuesday. The day started with my doctor's appoitnment and diabetes testing. All went well. The drink wasn't as bad as people at work had told me, so im hoping the same goes true for labor :-) My check up went fine, Baby's heart is strong and Im doing just dandy. Now that I am in my 3rd trimester I have to start seeing the doctor every two weeks, sure to become exhausting.
Tuesday night we went to Women and Infants Hospital for the Grand Tour class. We started off learning where to park, when to arrive, and what to pack. Basically Anthony will need a U-Haul...I want my own pillows, blankets, slippers, and of course Chelsea. They suggested Anthony pack extra layers as the mom's usually are roasting during delivery and want the heat off, not to be an issue with Anthony! After the lecture we went for our tour. Not going to lie, little overwhelming. Just seems more real now that I've seen a room where Im going to be in labor etc. but all the staff seems nice and I like a lot of the rules, like no cell phones or visitors during labor, no one will ever find us...hahaha!!!!!
Anthony could not locate a starbucks so any visitors please bring him a mocha choca venti spice lady marmalade with an extra shot of tahitti.
Yesterday was also a very exciting day for Daddy Anthony. He has felt a few little movements here and there but I was on the couch last night and the baby went nuts. I called Anthony over and he got to feel some really big movements, maybe some flips?
Then last night after reading " The Little Engine that Could" and listening to some music, I was reading and rested a book mark on my belly. He kicked so hard you could see the book mark move. So we lifted my shirt and watched the little monkey move around and make my stomach poke out, it was so neat!!
So " thats all" We'll be sure to post some pictures over the weekend.
TaTa for now.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Posted by
11:30 AM
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You sound like Prissy the maid in "Gone With The WInd..."
I will take care of Chelsea,
call me after you deliver and then let me know when you get home so I can see if I have time to stop by.
HO HO,,,,,I AM SO FUNNY,,,,,, JUST LIKE YOU!!!!!!!! :)
I'll just call you when he turns one.
Don't listen to people at work... everyone loves to tell their horror stories of labor. Like that helps. Everyone is different and I think you're going to do great.
Right after Callum was born, immediately I said to myself, "Huh. Not pleasant, but something I would definitely do again..." Once you see his little face, you'll know it's worth it!
Oh that Nannie is sooo funny. Don't worry Ant I will bring you your coffee. No cell phone, we'll see, you will want to call your mother right after he is born.
I'll get a calling card, see I can call out but no one can call ME, its perfect! It will be like we are on our honeymoon again!
For those who care, I like Nonfat Carmel Macchiattos...MMMMMMMM. For every coffee I get, you get extra personal time with Jackson!
Why not bring your Starbuck's coffee maker! You will have to write down what you want, I'll never rember. And what does Kris want besides quiet time.
Kristin likes vanilla bean frappuccinos with no whip cream. Her's is easier than mine.
Anticipating DH's comment, my eggplant offer has long been standing.
Hello Mr. Eggplant, I'm glad you didn't offer another free meal for anyone who brought you a Sarbucks, I could eat for the whole month. I'm glad its not Anthony who is having the baby, it would be born with a caffein addiction.
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