Hello...Kristin here with an update. Its only Weds and we have already had such a busy exhausting week!!
Today is Ash Wednesday, this means Easter is 40 days away, this means Jackson will be here most likely in less than 40 days!!! Oh my stars.
Monday was a very long day for Anthony. He had to attend his LAST ( hooray) Verizon meeting ( in person as he has another one Friday). He was in the office until about 4then flew home to pick me up for class. He didn't even have time to come in the house, I packed him a sandwich and off we went to Child Birth class. We learned about pain relief, watched a few births and then went for a tour ( or 2nd tour) of the Alternative Birthing Center. As our class was bouncing on balls and testing out birthing stools, a lady waited patiently outside our door to deliver...I hope I am that calm.
Tuesday morning we were up bright and early and off to the doctors for my check up. Everything is good, my blood pressure is nice and low and the baby's heart beat is strong. The little bugger is head down ready for delivery but he is face up and needs to be face down. The doctor told me to do some exercises to turn him and hopefully he will turn on his own before delivery. If not I can still deliver normally it will just be a bit more painful back labor she said and could be a longer delivery....JACKSON TURN OVER!!!!!!
Last night we had yet another class all about Breastfeeding. I had a case of the giggles and just kept bursting out laughing during class, the instructor was deaf in one ear and very technologically advanced.....but the class was overall ok.
Hopefully we can just relax at home for the rest of our evenings this week. I have to finish my work thank you notes then get started on my CT shower ones. I'm just about done with baby laundry but have a list of other things I want to get done before the baby arrives.....but only I can do this list, Anthony learned all about that from a co worker :-)
So whats everyone giving up for lent? I'm giving up soda again this year I think....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Posted by
12:33 PM
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I meant the teacher last night was NOT technologically advanced......she couldn't figure out how to press play on the VCR...kind of like nannie..hahaha
I think I'll give up fast food. Yes, I'm well aware that this is an annual Lenten sacrifice and, normally, I last no longer than two weeks but I'm determined in 2009!
Um too much details for me, just call me when the little bugger is born.... whew.......
and um, kristin we all know you HATE and never have drank a glass of SODA in your life. after all the BUBBLES HURT MY NOSE!!!!!!
thats what she said!!!!!
I think I'm giving up my "unhealthy" habits and going to exercise more. Walking and maybe take a pregnancy yoga class. Turn Jackson turn!
I think I am going to take pictures of Kristin practicing her moves she learned in class on post them on the blog for everyone to rate her form...mmm-Kay
I think I am just about done with classes, especially after last nights class. By the end of the night, everytime I heard "nipple" I started to laugh. I also like the fact that we had plastic babies.
ARF how many times did you drop the plastic baby? Jackson turn for your mother.
Jackson, now would be a really great time to start listening to your parents!
I can't believe you're almost done with your classes already. Then it's just waiting until he decides to show up! I can't wait!
Kristin maybe you should try giving up buck buck eggs. Chelsea, tell your brother to turn over, a little bark might help. Anthony, what are you giving up for lent? Starbucks?
I've not had Starbucks in almost 3 months! I'm having withdrawals.
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